We homo sapiens by instinct crave for authentic connection and communication with fellow human beings. It is true for companies and brands as well. They too are human, and it isn’t always evident outright whether a brand is a friend or foe. Put simply, companies are groups of people, gathered in the pursuit of […]

  2016 has been a mixed bag with several unexpected outcomes. Even though not all such changes were bad, there’s a lot to look forward to in 2017. There are several likely (significant) changes in digital marketing, especially within the world of influencer marketing. 2016 saw the aura of celebrity endorsements finally lose its sheen

  A question that most people have is about the role of search engine optimization (SEO) in content marketing. The answer is plain and simple; SEO is an essential reinforcement for your content. With the right synergy between content marketing and SEO, you can produce web pages/blogs/media posts that best serve your customers. Naturally, this

  The difference between success and failure of your website often lies in its design. How a site is laid out, what colors, fonts and images you use (or don’t use) can spell high conversion and low bounce/exit rates as well as low sales. You can make use of the following tips to ensure that

  Social media is attractive to marketers because it is easy to enter into and low-cost, but you need to spend a lot of time and effort on it. Large organizations with huge budgets can mount lavish campaigns, but the smaller players and startups need value for money campaigns to survive. Startups do seem to

  The million dollar question every blogger has ever had would probably be how to improve one’s ranking in search results. Here are a few advanced and reliable tips to improve your blogs ranking. But before starting out, you should check the current position of your keywords so that it would help in tracking improvement

  For marketers, life used to be easier. Reaching out to consumers was easy, once you were able to craft a compelling message, you could move the product. Only a few TV channels, a handful of magazines, a newspaper or two and some radio stations in each market to handle. Now technology has made it

  For marketers, life used to be easier. Reaching out to consumers was easy, once you were able to craft a compelling message, you could move the product. Only a few TV channels, a handful of magazines, a newspaper or two and some radio stations in each market to handle. Now technology has made it

  It’s easy to cut corners, be it to attain success or for convenience sake. More so in the field of marketing, especially the current digital world. With a gamut of options and competition bearing down on you, you just might be tempted to take the easy way out. There are a lot of marketers

  Twitter is a fantastic social medium that can help increase your brand exposure and much more. If any of your competitors are on Twitter, it’s high time you started using Twitter to gain your share of the pie. If nobody is, you become the market leader in the ‘Twittersphere’ by default! Twitter is an

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