SEO|Social Marketing

Google my business is a free service offered by Google to help people find local businesses easily. It used to be part of the now defunct Google plus (+). It is now Google’s first touching point along with the search results. – try it now – Google ‘Your Business name’ your suburb’ and you should […]

  [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Both can be viable paid media options depending on your business objectives and the marketing budget. More importantly, their continual year on year growth cannot be ignored. Facebook’s growth is primarily due to the network’s targeting capabilities, the spread of mobile, and the growth in user base. AdWords growth is mainly due to the

  2016 has been a mixed bag with several unexpected outcomes. Even though not all such changes were bad, there’s a lot to look forward to in 2017. There are several likely (significant) changes in digital marketing, especially within the world of influencer marketing. 2016 saw the aura of celebrity endorsements finally lose its sheen

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