Author name: admin

    Google Business Reviews Generate Business Today’s customer is more likely to find you on an internet search than by any other means. That is because they search for businesses with your products and services within their own community. The ease of just typing in a few words for a Google search can make […]

  How to Get Business Reviews with Google Once you have set up a shortcut link for Google reviews, you will want to consider how to use this link to obtain lots of customer reviews of your business on Google. Start with Physical Cards asking for a Review Print up physical cards containing a short

    Managing Positive Reviews – If you’re a business and you are receiving positive reviews for your products and services. Well done, but don’t stop there – you should always respond to them. The Importance of Responding to Positive Reviews If one of your customers or clients leaves you a review full of praise

    Managing Negative Reviews If you run a business, there will come a time when you receive negative reviews. This is something that all businesses have to deal with, but it can cause reputational problems for you. One of the ways you can ease that is by responding to the review. It might even

  What are Google Local Services Ads? Google Local Services Ads (LSA) are a new ad format being rolled out onto Google Search Engine Results Page (SERP). At the time of writing, these are only available in the U.S. and Canada. They are also only available for certain types of local services. Available for certain

Google my business is a free service offered by Google to help people find local businesses easily. It used to be part of the now defunct Google plus (+). It is now Google’s first touching point along with the search results. – try it now – Google ‘Your Business name’ your suburb’ and you should

  SEO professionals are supposed to have a solid understanding of their area of expertise and also be able to communicate that wisdom clearly and professionally to their clients. However, a few more criteria would go a long way in benefits for an already amazing industry, that help in building greater trust and better service

  The beginning of a new year is the best time to reflect on your performance and set the stage for better results ahead. This is also the right time to plan, budget and strategize your future success for SEO. Besides traditional factors that influence search ranking – page speed, relevant content and page authority,

  Email marketing is not going anywhere, at least not anytime soon. According to recent studies, an overwhelming percentage of consumers would rather receive permission-based marketing information via email. In addition, small businesses still use email as the primary source of marketing, and their numbers are on the rise. So rather than give up, it’s

  SEM Automation is huge and gaining in importance day by day. Several Software suites accomplish a lot of things – analytics, keyword generation, reporting, multi-platform campaign management, testing ad copy, advanced querying and much more. One such platform of critical importance is PPC bid management. The following are the key factors to look at

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