Social Marketing

    Google Business Reviews Generate Business Today’s customer is more likely to find you on an internet search than by any other means. That is because they search for businesses with your products and services within their own community. The ease of just typing in a few words for a Google search can make […]

    Managing Negative Reviews If you run a business, there will come a time when you receive negative reviews. This is something that all businesses have to deal with, but it can cause reputational problems for you. One of the ways you can ease that is by responding to the review. It might even

    Managing Positive Reviews – If you’re a business and you are receiving positive reviews for your products and services. Well done, but don’t stop there – you should always respond to them. The Importance of Responding to Positive Reviews If one of your customers or clients leaves you a review full of praise

  SEM Automation is huge and gaining in importance day by day. Several Software suites accomplish a lot of things – analytics, keyword generation, reporting, multi-platform campaign management, testing ad copy, advanced querying and much more. One such platform of critical importance is PPC bid management. The following are the key factors to look at

  In modern times, organizations are always looking to drum up business. They resort to generating leads through customer referrals, cold calls, networking events, and so on. Social media has now emerged as a game changer regarding how organizations can generate new leads with considerably less effort. Of these – Facebook is the favorite digital

  It’s very much evident that paid social media campaigns are increasing in popularity. Spending on social advertising is expected to go beyond $35 billion this year, a staggering 16% of the worldwide digital ad market. social media marketing in sydney Unsurprisingly Facebook (plus Instagram) constitutes a significant piece of this pie, as much as an

  The key to making social media truly work for you is through monitoring audience behavior and studying what they have to say about you, your products/services and your competition. With proper data, you can utilize information to make decisions on how to behave on social platforms to achieve maximum engagement that can in turn

  Social media is, without a doubt, a tremendous way to increase your business exposure and generate traffic, leads, and sales, thus creating loyal customers. Facebook remains the king of social media. It is the social network of choice for the majority of businesses. It’s easy to build your brand and create new demand for

  Lots of small business owners use email, blogs, Facebook and Twitter to aid marketing, generate leads, build awareness and grow their customer base. But LinkedIn is one social network that doesn’t receive quite the same love or attention.    The fact that LinkedIn has more than 100 million members and a well-deserved reputation for

  While posting photos on Instagram, at times, we include only one or two hashtags, and at other times we go out of our way to include as many hashtags as possible. So the question is – what’s the perfect number of hashtags? The benefits of using hashtags on social media have been proven over

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