Web Design

  It seems that the web design is constantly going through a perpetual evolution cycle to stay relevant. Of late, several web design trends have appeared out of the blue and have changed the way we understand design forever. And now we have VR, AI-powered chatbots and interactive storytelling looking to make a lasting impact […]

  If you’ve ever been in the position of setting up a new website (which, in this modern digital age you definitely have), then you very well know how daunting it can be. While you may need to hire some experts (ahem.., yours truly) to do the designing part, you may be able to get

  The difference between success and failure of your website often lies in its design. How a site is laid out, what colors, fonts and images you use (or don’t use) can spell high conversion and low bounce/exit rates as well as low sales. You can make use of the following tips to ensure that

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