Social Media Marketing

  In these digital days, any business without a digital strategy is destined for failure. Digital marketing efforts are important to gain new customers and also to deepen relationships with existing ones. However, due to budget constraints, many small businesses find it hard to build an effective digital presence. Here we present five free digital […]

  Facebook likes to keep itself busy around the year, bringing us frequent (and fascinating) updates. Facebook truly believes that video is the future. It now gives more insight into Video Ads results. Now, you can see new in-view and duration statistics for Video Ads, including: the time an ad was fully played, when only

  If your social media campaigns seem to be delivering fewer results recently, you aren’t alone. Even large brands (reportedly) reach as little one in every 50 of their own followers, i.e., a mere 2%. This isn’t surprising with content being shared more than ever. The space in our news feed is at a premium

  We homo sapiens by instinct crave for authentic connection and communication with fellow human beings. It is true for companies and brands as well. They too are human, and it isn’t always evident outright whether a brand is a friend or foe. Put simply, companies are groups of people, gathered in the pursuit of

  Social media is attractive to marketers because it is easy to enter into and low-cost, but you need to spend a lot of time and effort on it. Large organizations with huge budgets can mount lavish campaigns, but the smaller players and startups need value for money campaigns to survive. Startups do seem to

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